Seamless (Payments) | 1-2 May 2017

Fintricity’s Founder & Managing Partner, Alpesh Doshi, will be speaking at this event and also hosting a Blockchain workshop. Visit the event website Day One: 14.20, 1st May 2017 Panel: Spurring the Blockchain Adoption Transitioning society from central authorities playing a key role to decentralization taking center stage Exploring cost implications when new and existing…

Digital Sales Enablement | 7 Nov 2016

Breakfast Sessions with Fintricity & SalesSeek Fintricity & SalesSeek host a breakfast session in the form of two interactive seminars with Q&As, networking, coffee, tea and breakfast. The Agenda 9.00am – 9.30am: Arrivals and Breakfast Tea, coffee and breakfast will be provided 9.30am – 10.00am: The Evolution of Digital Sales Customers are more demanding than…

Cards & Payments Iran | 22-23 Nov 2016

Our Founder & Managing Partner, Alpesh Doshi will be chairing the following panels at the Cards & Payments event in Iran in November 2016. We hope to see some of you there! Visit the Event Site Day 1: 22 Nov 2016 at 16:30 Panel: Adopting Blockchain in a Highly Regulated Industry How will blockchain solutions fit with the existing regulatory…

Data Centre World & Cloud Expo Europe | 23-24 Nov 2016

Fintricity’s Financial Services and the Energy markets expert, Peter Kästel, will be presenting at this event in Frankfurt, Germany. Visit the Event Site “The Digital Convergence of Markets and Technologies” Thursday 24th November, 13.30-13.55 Conference Stream: Big Data & Analytics and The Internet of Things Theatre The digitalisation of our life disrupts processes, business value chains…